Compare and contrast essay is a popular academic writing that is used for:
Instead of randomly picking a topic to compare and contrast, it is better to do a quick analysis. Identifyand list down all those markers that can be used in the assessment process. You may either use a "Venndiagram" for brainstorming or a chart against all the traits that you find significant.Whatever method you choose, always consider not only your thesis agenda but also the context inwhich you are required to conduct the assessment. The intellectual level of your readers should also beconsidered while deciding the topic.
Through brainstorming, one can generate piles of data discussing differences and similarities. But theprocess of choosing the right factors may become painful if we fail to identify relevant information thatis both interesting and meaningful.One should be cautious in deciding the key factors. You may either collect unnecessary and irrelevantinformation though it seems interesting or may find notably relevant information that fails to catchreaders' attention
Develop your thesis with extra care as it's going to serve as a road map. Make it specific and detailed toavoid confusion in readers' minds. Make an argument suggesting to them why the chosen subjectsshould be put together like "How the two subjects are similar and different?" or "Why the first subject isdesirable than the second one?"
Plan how your essay should be organized. You may change it later in case if it doesn't work for you.Generally, it is done in two ways.
In this organization, one writes everything about the first subject and then moves on to discuss thesecond one. It may be covered either in a single paragraph or several paragraphs per itemdepending on the depth of the subject.The shortcoming of this organization is that your paper will only list your points, making it difficultfor the readers to draw a comparison. To overcome it, try making a logical connection by writing atleast one paragraph linking both the subjects.
Unlike the subject-by-subject organization, each point is picked and discussed for both the subjectsto contrast or compare. It allows defining precisely what you are comparing and contrasting. Thedownside is that the reader has to switch back and forth between topics, so you need to create aflow by adding transitions and signposts in the essay.
No matter how you decide to arrange your essay, there is a basic structure that one should follow.
Provide primary information on the selected topic to compare and contrast. Explain your thesis agendaand in which direction it's going to lead.
Compose your paragraphs depending on your preferred organization style. With the progression of theessay body, critically analyze your subjects, discuss similarities and differences, state your personalviews, and support your ideas by giving credible evidence.Generally, three body paragraphs are used, but you may add more on need basis
As the conclusion summarizes the overall idea, it should have a more significant description of yourthesis than the introduction. Write it precisely; giving readers a clear and straight understanding of yourpoint of view
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